Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

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#1 Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

Post by Commander »

Is Barrack Obama sending a clear message to his Attorney General and the FBI? Don't bother trying to prosecute Hillary, because I say she's not guilty? That could be one intrpretation of his interview on "Fox News Sunday".

“She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” he said. “What I also know is that there’s classified and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and then there’s stuff that is being presented to the president, the secretary of state, you may not want going out over the wire.”

Now that sounds a lot like dissembling to me. The law mentioned in most of the articles regarding the laws Ms. Clinton is alledged of, does not state whether the information is differentiated by President Obama's standards. It just states classified material not handled properly. It doesn't have to be proven that the material fell into the wrong hands or was used to " jeopardize(d) America’s national security.”

He admits that he and her, recognize that the material was mishandled in another statement, “There’s a carelessness in terms of managing emails that she has owned and she recognizes, but I also think it is important to keep this in perspective.”

What perspective is that Mr. President? the perspective that she is a part of the Washington elite and is therefore above reproach on your say so?

Of course this more stongly shows the difference between the laws the Washington elite have to follow and those we, the common individual, have to live under.
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#2 Re: Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

Post by Joe Wooten »

What he's really telling us is that he has made sure we truly have no secrets from the Russians and the Chinese. That man cannot leave soon enough.
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#3 Re: Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

Post by Joe Wooten »

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Commander wrote:Is Barrack Obama sending a clear message to his Attorney General and the FBI? Don't bother trying to prosecute Hillary, because I say she's not guilty? That could be one intrpretation of his interview on "Fox News Sunday".

“She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” he said. “What I also know is that there’s classified and then there’s classified. There’s stuff that is really top secret top secret, and then there’s stuff that is being presented to the president, the secretary of state, you may not want going out over the wire.”

Now that sounds a lot like dissembling to me. The law mentioned in most of the articles regarding the laws Ms. Clinton is alledged of, does not state whether the information is differentiated by President Obama's standards. It just states classified material not handled properly. It doesn't have to be proven that the material fell into the wrong hands or was used to " jeopardize(d) America’s national security.”

He admits that he and her, recognize that the material was mishandled in another statement, “There’s a carelessness in terms of managing emails that she has owned and she recognizes, but I also think it is important to keep this in perspective.”

What perspective is that Mr. President? the perspective that she is a part of the Washington elite and is therefore above reproach on your say so?

Of course this more stongly shows the difference between the laws the Washington elite have to follow and those we, the common individual, have to live under.
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#4 Re: Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

Post by luke strawwalker »

Ask Eric Snowden...

Gee, Mistuh Prez... "there's *classified* and then there's "classified".

Hmmm... like our nuclear launch codes are "classified". Obviously we don't want some raghead launching our missiles...

Then there's "classified" like who knows what that was on Hillary's server. Who knows what the fallout from that will be. Who will be "outed" and get their head chopped off or a bullet in the back of the skull in some far-off Dirtbagistan; but then again, according to Hillary, "What difference does it make?" "No harm, no foul" so long as you can't pin it directly on her, right Mistuh Prez?

And, then there's CLASSIFIED... as if your gubmint wants to spy on you without warrant, without reason, and without cause, JUST BECAUSE IT CAN, and who the *oops you said word #3 is gonna stop 'em? See, *THAT* is CLASSIFIED, and of course any little "*oops you said word #1" who would DARE to expose such gubmint corruption and illegal abuse of the friggin' Constitution (oh, sorry, that's right-- it's a "living document" now that means whatever *you* and your cronies SAY it means now, isn't that true Mistuh Prez?? It doesn't mean what it says it means anymore...) and make such an illegal and overreaching gubmint look foolish and breed further distrust among the citizenry *MUST* be hunted down like a dog no matter where in the world they might try to go, isn't that right, Mistuh Prez?? Cause if it's one thing we simply CANNOT ALLOW, its for the American people to know that their gubmint will do any damn thing it wants any time it wants, and screw the Constitution, the law, principle, or any damn thing else that stands in the way of their absolute power. THAT is a treasonable act and a capital crime, isn't it Mistuh Prez??

Gee, and people wonder why I'm so friggin' cynical and contemptuous.... And why I FIRMLY and ABSOLUTELY believe that "stick a fork in it, this country is DONE!"

Just a matter of time. The iceberg has already ripped the ass out from under the boat-- all this *oops you said word #1 is just rearranging deck chairs...

Later! OL J R :)
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#5 Re: Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

Post by bernomatic »

What you are forgetting Luke, is that all the king and queen rats have made arrangements to be picked up by another boat.
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#6 Re: Barrack to the people, don't worry about Hillary's server.

Post by luke strawwalker »

That's true, but won't do much good if this one sinks out from under them before it gets here.

Later! OL J R :)
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