Maybe it was an off hand comment....

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#1 Maybe it was an off hand comment....

Post by bernomatic »

Or maybe a Freudian slip?

While discussing what else, President Trump's ability to by pass the mainstream media and get his message out to the country without having it examined and reworded by the talking heads, Mika Brezinski of MSNBC's Morning Joe let something slip. Now it may have been an off hand comment,
"... he (President Trump) can actually control exactly what people think and that is the, that is our job."

Sounds to me like a progressive liberal is afraid she is losing a grip on some of the power she thought she had.

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#2 Re: Maybe it was an off hand comment....

Post by luke strawwalker »

Oh yeah... They're scared shitless and just having a cow, running around with their hair on fire worried about the fact that they don't have Trump locked up in their little corner, and that he is getting his message out DIRECTLY without them being able to spin it as they please to "direct the conversation" and control what people think. IOW, he's not paying attention to them and the empty suits and talking heads would be endangered species if nobody paid any attention to them, (which they shouldn't IMHO-- I certainly don't-- like a wise man said one time, "don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you read")

I hauled hay to Shiner the other day to feed cows and put some in storage up there (prepositioning for next winter, using storage pens up there-- haul it while gas is cheap and the weather is good!) and Mom and I went to lunch in Gonzales after that... she loves to eat at a Mexican joint called "Mr. Taco", which is okay (other than it gets old because their menu doesn't have a lot of choices) other than the fact that they have 3-4 TV's in every corner of the room blaring stupid CNN all the time. The talking heads were just going on and on and on and on about how Trump "underestimates the power of the media" and how "they're a force to be reckoned with" and "they alone have the power to influence what people think, what the conversation is about, etc."

It came across to me very much like the "last shriek from the battlefield" of a cowardly enemy that has had his ass handed to him for a hat and makes loud, passing threats as he runs away on the retreat... (or rout, as the case may be).

Good for Trump. I've thought for a long time that the best thing that could happen to this country is if the mainstream media all went bankrupt overnight and ceased to exist-- it's gotten SO bad I don't even watch the news anymore-- haven't for years... EVERYTHING they report is carefully filtered through their spin machine and therefore skewed or twisted to the point you can't believe a damn thing they say anyway-- I've seen it personally firsthand with the way they report major events in our own rural locality on the big Houston TV stations-- it's all bullshit-- they invariably find some idiot looking for their fifteen minutes of fame to say whatever it is they want said in front of the camera, and then of course the empty suit talking head reporters then selectively report on whatever "facts" they have discovered to spin the story the way they want it to come out... which is virtually unrelated to the actual situation or event involved... SO, *I* for one don't believe a damn thing the media says ANYWAY-- I wouldn't believe it if they said the sky was blue unless I saw it myself.

Biggest problem in this country is people just believing everything the damn media tells them. The media is SUCH a propaganda machine anymore that they're practically the equivalent of the old "TASS" state news agency of the Soviet Union or Dr. Goebbel's propaganda machine in Nazi Germany, or state-run media in China and other totalitarian/Communist states. NOTHING gets on the air that they don't want reported, and then it's spun to portray EXACTLY what they want you to know and think... not what's REALLY happening or differing viewpoints...

While they hide behind "free speech" of the Constitution, they're also usually the biggest backers of "restrictions" on alternative news and information sources like the internet or 'alternative news sources'. Of course many of them also report with their own "slant" on the story or information, and only what furthers their own worldview, but that's no different (maybe only a matter of degree) to what the "lamestream media" does anyway... they just don't want the competition for people's attention...

Later! OL J R :)
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