Lessons in sidestepping a subpoena? ask Hillary

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#1 Lessons in sidestepping a subpoena? ask Hillary

Post by bernomatic »

As an everyday average Joe, if you tried avoiding turning over documents in a Federal investigation and they found out, you would probably have an FBI task force invading your house with warrants. In your case, if you had a lawyer, the best you could hope for is not spending a night in the crossbar hotel. If you didn't have a lawyer, you probably would end up awaiting an arraignment in front of a judge in a couple of days time, at which point he might set a reasonable bail, which means you only have to use the car as collateral, not the house.

But if your an ex- Washington D.C. insider, and you have an ally in the current administration and an ex POTUS as a husband, apparently you go on campaigning to become the next President.

According to an American Thinker article American Thinker article
It has just been revealed that after the receipt of a congressional subpoena for Benghazi documents, those documents were removed from the office that received the subpoena and sent to another office, where they were not searched. This has been defended as a “routine” matter, despite the fact that the subpoena contained language cautioning against the removal of any documents relevant to the subpoena. As a result, the reports of the committee investigating Benghazi were based on incomplete information.

Alana Goodman reports at the Free Beacon:

Attorneys for the State Department said the electronic folders, which contain hundreds of documents related to the Benghazi attack and Libya, were belatedly rediscovered at the end of last year.

They said the files had been overlooked by State Department officials because the executive secretary’s office transferred them to another department and flagged them for archiving last April, shortly after receiving a subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

The new source of documents includes electronic folders used by senior officials under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. They were originally kept in the executive secretary’s office, which handles communication and coordination between the secretary of state’s office and other department bureaus.

As is so typical of reports regarding government bureaucratic misbehavior, the agents acting are identified as “offices,” not individuals with names who could be held accountable. Only lawyers have names, apparently.
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It just scares me what some people will do in the name of good.
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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