How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

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#1 How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

Post by bernomatic »

We all know that the Left Coast are hypocrites. Never giving an inch when attacking a conservative, but giving their own ilk enough light years worth of leeway.

My question is, as in the case of Peter Fonda and his recent comments about the President's son, wife and the Secretary of Homeland Security, How can they deceive themselves? How can they feel guilt, (and they do feel guilty, if only for doing something so dumb that they cost themselves a bunch of viewers for their most recent undertaking?

Also, why do we let them get away with it?
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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#2 Re: How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

Post by luke strawwalker »

Not sure what you're talking about... more HollyWEIRD nonsense I'm sure... and I don't follow that crap (any more than "necessary" LOL:)

It seems the shrieking leftist libtards that infest Hollyweird and the left coast are no longer satisfied with merely pontificating and sobbing on camera at the Oscars or whatever, or foaming at the mouth "protesting" for the cameras over whatever happens to upset them "today"... Now they seem to think it's a good idea to politicize EVERYTHING and SHOVE their particular views down EVERYBODY'S throat via whatever project they're working on, and then outright insulting anybody who DARES to disagree with them... and of course, trot out the most idiotic and radical views they can as their "motivation"...

IOW, classic "social justice warrior" tactics... if you can't win with your argument, scream, browbeat, insult, and use a good forward personal attack to "win"...

In the process they're flushing multi-billion dollar franchises down the sh!tter... Take for instance, Star Wars-- putting a radical feminist like Kathleen Kennedy in charge of a primarily "nerd guy film" type franchise isn't the brightest choice... but if she could do the job and leave it at that and make a quality product, who cares?? I really don't care WHAT her personal opinion is on anything-- she can be as radical as she wants... but no, she surrounds herself with a bunch of no-talent HACKS that happen to have the same twisted worldview as her own and then they proceed to make a sh!tty product, and then come out frothing at the mouth insulting the main group of fans that made Star Wars a multi-billion dollar franchise in the first place-- (a lot of white) males... The come out with a bunch of shock-jock crap like "the Force is female" and other such nonsense and again, if that was it, well, who cares what antics they participate in for the cameras while "selling the movie"... But then they crank out blatantly preachy social justice warrior nonsense like "The Last Jedi" while insulting the fandom that made the series a success, and wonder WHY it's falling on its face? Then of course they're not satisfied with merely pontificating on their "superior" worldview and writing lame-@ss scripts around it, NO, they have to "get more press" and shove their twisted worldviews down everyone's throats... like that idiot kid of Kasdan's that co-wrote "Solo" announcing "coming out" style that Lando Calrissian is actually "pan-sexual... He gets his rocks off over EVERYTHING and ANYTHING..." and of course shoves a SJW robot into the film in the form of his female-voiced co-pilot on the Millenium Falcon, and implies in the movie that Lando is "in love" with her... the robot even has a scene discussing Lando's feelings for her to the female lead, after she and Solo have a brief scene possibly rekindling their own past romance... Thankfully the lead actress plays it off as funny, like she's "humoring" the robot during her expository monologue about how she's dealing with Lando's supposed "feelings" for her... and it IS funny... but you can tell they INTENDED for it to be SERIOUS in a NMBLA sort of way... only in this case the "NMRLA" sort of way-- National Man Robot Love Association... It would be funny if it weren't so SICK...

Then, of course, when the movie UTTERLY BOMBS at the box office, they come out screeching that it's the VIEWERS fault, that the fans "sabotaged" the movie, etc...

The thing is, they have forgotten the fact that *they work for the fans/viewers*... if they don't put out a product worth coughing up the $10 buck ticket price to go see, then it's GOING to bomb! The Last Jedi left SUCH a bad taste in so many of the franchises main fans, their bread and butter, that they have basically begun to BOYCOTT the series, and thus "SOLO" bombed BIG TIME... especially after Kathleen Kennedy and her group of merry idiots end up firing the directors of the film and then have to hire Ron Howard to come in and get the film back on track, basically having to re-shoot about 80% of the film so I've read, which caused the cost of the film to skyrocket out of control, to the tune of about $400 million I read...

And then AFTER insulting everybody they can and doing as much "shock jock" pan-sexual nonsense as they possibly could, the film fell flat on its face... The Last Jedi, as a "main series" film, did like $300 million or so the opening weekend. "Rogue One- A Star Wars Story", as a "sideline film" or "story film" not in the 'main sequence' of the Star Wars saga, did a respectable ~$140 million its opening weekend. Post "TLJ" with all the bad taste left in the fan's mouth, "Solo" only did a paltry $78 million its opening weekend, meaning the film will probably not break even in the end, and due to the enormous production costs, will be a HUGE financial hit for Disney and Co...

Maybe, just MAYBE, sooner or later, someone out there in Hollyweird will figure out that they're in a BUSINESS... the business of making films that people WANT to see... NOT cranking out SJW crap and propaganda for whatever politicized nonsense and twisted worldview that happens to tickle the fancy of the producers and writers at that particular moment, which they want to cram down the moviegoer's throat by force...

I think, deep down, Hollyweird is starting to figure out that they're becoming irrelevant... not that they'd ever admit it. It's already been said many times that a lot of fan productions, which used to be the weird fringe stuff that would NEVER see the light of day from a major studio, is starting to outdo the utter crapola that the studios are cranking out... Take for instance "Star Trek Continues" which FAR outstrips ANYTHING that Paramount has done with Star Trek in the last 10 years... And after the bloodletting of a series of bad to perpetually worse movies begun by that no-talent HACK JJ Abrams, and the SJW mess nonsense of "Star Trek Discovery" flopping on TV, they've basically flushed Star Trek down the crapper... The last ST movie was a flop at the box office as well... I know after the utter rubbish of "Into Darkness" I didn't waste my money or time going to see the last ST film in the theater... the main selling point of the film was they were making Sulu "come out" (and everybody knows George Takei is queer-- good for him, and I DON'T CARE! He's a good actor and can make whatever life choices he desires-- but I don't want to see a QUEER SULU... the character wasn't intended or written that way and I don't like it being "forced" into that paradigm to satisfy some SJW activist Hollyweird idiots... but hey, they can do what they want with the characters-- the studio owns them and if they want to *oops you said word #1 on it, they can... BUT *I* can also keep my money in my pocket and NOT pay to see it, either!) Anyway, it's just more of the same-- make the farthest out, weirdest, sickest NONSENSE they can come up with seem "normal", and then scream that anybody that disagrees with it is some kind of nazi or something...

The studios have jumped on the fan-films with both feet, attempting to "protect their properties" by stomping out any competition, like "Prelude to Axanar" (which looked 100 times better than ANYTHING the studios have put out in the last 10 years) and imposing such strict new rules on "fan films" that stuff like Star Trek Continues was squeezed out. Meanwhile, the studios seem incapable of doing anything but "sh!tting the bed" and then wonder WHY it is there's a backlash and people aren't willing to plunk down their hard earned money to lay in it...

Oh well...

Later! OL J R :)
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#3 Re: How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

Post by luke strawwalker »

bernomatic wrote:We all know that the Left Coast are hypocrites. Never giving an inch when attacking a conservative, but giving their own ilk enough light years worth of leeway.

My question is, as in the case of Peter Fonda and his recent comments about the President's son, wife and the Secretary of Homeland Security, How can they deceive themselves? How can they feel guilt, (and they do feel guilty, if only for doing something so dumb that they cost themselves a bunch of viewers for their most recent undertaking?

Also, why do we let them get away with it?
Well, for one thing, it's only "normal" that's reprehensible to the libtards minds... shows that liberalism is a mental illness...

Oh, they've come out full-force to condemn "sexual abuse" by males against females... and, I'll add, rightfully so-- men forcing women to comply with their sexual advances or groping or whatever is reprehensible and should be condemned... BUT, where it involves queers or child molesters or other such deviant "fringe groups", there is a remarkable SILENCE about such things... not the open screeching screaming condemnation and humiliation in the media heaped on heterosexual males engaging in bad conduct...

Hollyweird hypocrisy-- it's their main art form now...

Later! OL J R :)
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#4 Re: How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

Post by Rocket Babe »

All I need to hear is the name Fonda, I don't care which of the 3 and the next sound in our house is a click. I have no use and never have had for any of them.

Need a vomit emoticon on here.
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#5 Re: How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

Post by bernomatic »

Rocket Babe wrote:All I need to hear is the name Fonda, I don't care which of the 3 and the next sound in our house is a click. I have no use and never have had for any of them.

Need a vomit emoticon on here.
I had one someplace, I think it was in the old digs. Got a little too messy. :lol:
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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#6 Re: How Can Peter Fonda still have a movie coming out?

Post by luke strawwalker »

Rocket Babe wrote:All I need to hear is the name Fonda, I don't care which of the 3 and the next sound in our house is a click. I have no use and never have had for any of them.

Need a vomit emoticon on here.
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later! OL J R :)
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