$6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

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#1 $6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

Post by bernomatic »

Okay, I may be stretching it for this sub-forum since the money really doesn't come from our tax dollars, but it is still a matter of government extracting money from the population and not being accountable with it.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials have accumulated at least $6.3 billion in more than 1,300 obscure spending accounts akin to slush funds that are essentially beyond congressional, media and public scrutiny.

The “special accounts” are financed by legal settlements between the agency and parties responsible for polluting Superfund sites. Funds are deposited and spent without prior congressional approval.
So I'll be honest, after reading the full article I'm a bit more confused about what the hell is going on with these funds and other monies given to the EPA. I think I would have to sit down for a week and delve deeply into the double and triple speak.

The main issue I have is the lack of accountability and oversight that appears to be going on in the EPA. I think we need to clean up the EPA first.

The EPA Stashes BILLIONS In Slush Fund-Like Accounts
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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#2 Re: $6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

Post by Ghrocketman »

Always MAYHEM, always !
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#3 Re: $6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

Post by Joe Wooten »

Ghrocketman wrote:Bee-Eff-Dee.
Will you say that when the EPA poisons the river that your area gets it drinking water from? Or makes you get rid of your car?
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#4 Re: $6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

Post by luke strawwalker »

EPA is a rogue agency... plain and simple.

They were caught recently lobbying for WOTUS... (waters of the US, a stupid reg that will hamstring 9/10 of the farmers in this country in one way or another).

Lobbying is strictly forbidden by gubmint agencies. But since when does that stop them??

Later! OL J R :)
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#5 Re: $6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

Post by bernomatic »

I'm surprised they even bothered. Usually they just make up a regulation and enforce it.
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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#6 Re: $6.3 Billion in 1,308 Secretive EPA ‘Slush Funds’

Post by Joe Wooten »

luke strawwalker wrote:EPA is a rogue agency... plain and simple.
They and several others, most notable the BATFE and the Dept of Education have been for decades. The federal bureaucratic structure is simply too big and needs to be dismantled.
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