DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

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#21 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by bernomatic »

Rocket Babe wrote: I wish I didn't have to work so much...
Remember, every tube should have an engine! ;) :D :lol:
Oh dear, between the dialogue, the avatar, and the stiff screwdriver I poured myself, I am definitely in trouble. :twisted: and it's been one of those days were I got a lot done, but it just doesn't seem like enough.

So, let's bring this back on track.

I've gutted my booster, but being in an impaired condition, can't get the concepts and dimensions down. To mate the 24mm to the 18mm for the staging, is there some sort of arrangement necessary, or do I just create the venting hole akin to that in the 18mm to 13mm Solar Flare? Also how long did you make the 24mm engine mount?

Oh, Rocket. You would have been real trouble with my design from my youth. It was named after a young lass I had my eye on in my middle school years, but alas never had the gumption to approach (it was a long story, but along the lines of she was a friend of a girl I was seeing at the time. Always seems to work out that way somehow). Anyways, the TPD Janice IV was a twin rocket (think F-82 twin Mustang) with outside ram jets. I never did build it as I never could figure out exactly at the time 1) how I was going to insure simultaneous ignition of both engines and 2) how I was going to cause separation of both halves for return. Now I might be able to undertake the task, but the inspiration is long lost and I would find it hard to explain to Sandy, my wife of 28 years, why I was building a rocket named Janice. :?
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#22 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by tmacklin »

I assume there is a question contained within your last post regarding the rebuild of my Renegade?

I made the motor mount for the booster stage from 24 mm tubing, 2.75 inches long. As for the differing diameters of the booster and sustainer motors, I intend to install a 0.25 inch section of spent 24 mm casing onto the 18 mm sustaining motor using Epoxy cement, thereby providing a mating ring in order to join the two motors with cellophane tape for staging.

Now, I have a question for you. What, precisely, was the ratio of alcohol to O.J. you used in your Screwdriver?
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#23 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by bernomatic »

Why, the only ratio there is: Too much of one and not enough of the other one. :lol:

I was also working at the time on a screen printing project that had to be done by today . The screen wasn't washing out right, the wife was asking me to get some stuff for her off the net and I was a bit peeved. Only after I had poured and consumed much of the libation did I realize I had not even eaten dinner. Luckily for me, all the spelling had been done way earlier in the day. 8-)

BTW, the t-shirts ended up turning out fine.
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#24 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by Rocket Babe »

Bernie! :shock: Libations while working? :shock: I have to say I'm a bit surprised. :o I didn't think you would be one to drink on the job, much less be out screwdriving. :? And whatever you do, don't get in the car with Luke unless you're just sitting in the driveway listening to music. :lol: I would think the Texas State Patrol would take a dim view of that kind of driving. :evil:

Ok, back on topic, I like the ring idea 8-) and you should drill a couple of holes to vent it too. 8-)

As for building a childhood dream, :idea: do it, and name it ;) after your wife. She can't object to that can she? You know, by now the young lady you remember from your youth, is most likely not as you remember her. I mean look at me, I'm not what I was in my teens or twenties. Besides, at this point you should be more relaxed :) with a huge smile :D not all stressed out and stiff. :!:

Oh, and I'm glad the dress :lol: you were working on came out ok but never, never, never, make your wife wait for you to come to dinner. Are you making the dress for a female security team? :P

I have a yellow dress... someplace. :twisted: :D :lol:
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#25 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by tmacklin »


I will drill vent holes as you suggested into the booster section on line with the motor junction. I did a mock up of a 24 to 18 mm adapter and took a couple of pics. I also added about 20 grams of modeling clay nose weight to compensate for the extra mass of a D12 vs a C6 booster engine. This should work like a charm!
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#26 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by bernomatic »

Rocket Babe wrote:Bernie! :shock: Libations while working? :shock: I have to say I'm a bit surprised. :o I didn't think you would be one to drink on the job, much less be out screwdriving. :? And whatever you do, don't get in the car with Luke unless you're just sitting in the driveway listening to music. :lol: I would think the Texas State Patrol would take a dim view of that kind of driving. :evil:

Ok, back on topic, I like the ring idea 8-) and you should drill a couple of holes to vent it too. 8-)

As for building a childhood dream, :idea: do it, and name it ;) after your wife. She can't object to that can she? You know, by now the young lady you remember from your youth, is most likely not as you remember her. I mean look at me, I'm not what I was in my teens or twenties. Besides, at this point you should be more relaxed :) with a huge smile :D not all stressed out and stiff. :!:

Oh, and I'm glad the dress :lol: you were working on came out ok but never, never, never, make your wife wait for you to come to dinner. Are you making the dress for a female security team? :P

I have a yellow dress... someplace. :twisted: :D :lol:
Well dear lady, it was well past 4 bells of the first dog watch :mrgreen: and while I was on station, I was not on watch. My duties had been completed and I was giving myself the opportunity to splice the main brace. :!: Now while the scuttlebutt may have been that I was three sheets to the the wind, I assure you it was only two sheets. Besides, I think you're confusing me with the commander. :? :shock: :D I'm just the bottle washer around here. :roll:

As for the Jan IV, sometimes no matter what, you just can't be disingenuous to the memory :!: yes I know women change over the years as when I came across this video of Sheena Easton doing "Strut" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtR3W1W8W0g. While not bad for a 53± (at the time) year old, when your memories are of her on Johnny Carson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUy6MAFSX6g, well, let's just say that it may be better to let the memories linger :twisted: . As for yellow dresses, I believe the Cantina casuals are just fine. If you do want to play security guard though I might be able to accommodate... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Ah drat, time to go.

Real quick thoughts:
1) Rocket, if you were to visit that other station, you would find I started a thread over five years ago (one of my first posts there) in which I discussed with the people there the possibility of changing the Renegades power sources. We didn't just go 18mm & 24 mm, we included the two 13mm. Now that would be something to see, A 3 cluster C6-0's with two B6-0's in the ram tubes and two A10- 3T's on the outboards to initiate the recovery for the booster. Mate that to a D-12 or E-9 in the sustainer and that baby would be zooming for the stars. 8-)

2) Mack, be careful on the amount of weight you add, even though it's a hog, it still has a lot of fin area for stability. I would have started out with maybe half that amount of nose weight and adjusted from there. Just my 2 cents.
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#27 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by tmacklin »


My original Renegade kit came with one small packet of clay about 1/4 x 1/2 x 1 inch long and of unknown weight. So this time I carved off a piece of my one pound plasticine brick that looked about right and weighed it, 8-10 grams. Since the difference in actual weight between a C6-0 and a D12-0 is about 16 grams, my gut tells me this should work.

Anyway, it's too late now as I've already crammed that crap deep into the nose cone. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead! :twisted:
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#28 Re: DARS Launch at Gunter 05/21/16

Post by Rocket Babe »

It sounds good to me and it should go well, and in this case, with or without the added weight.

I say "PUSH the button Max!" :D You guys probably don't get the reference... :D
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