Harvey Who?

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#1 Harvey Who?

Post by bernomatic »

I have been hesitant to weigh in on the current Hollywood scandal, as quite frankly I believe it is nothing more then a witch hunt. :shock:

Oh sure, I believe if any of those things happened, it would be a terrible thing and should be brought out into the light. However, two things bother me.

1. Why now? And I don't mean those with any recent claims.
2. If you expect it, and are receiving a quid pro quo, should you really be complaining?

I am NOT condoning rape. However, if you have abused, bringing it out ten, twenty or forty years later is a bit unfair to the other party. They may have had an alibi or such that they could have proved the accusation a lie back then. But now, forget it. And unless you have Hillary on your side, you're toast.
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luke strawwalker
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#2 Re: Harvey Who?

Post by luke strawwalker »

bernomatic wrote:I have been hesitant to weigh in on the current Hollywood scandal, as quite frankly I believe it is nothing more then a witch hunt. :shock:

Oh sure, I believe if any of those things happened, it would be a terrible thing and should be brought out into the light. However, two things bother me.

1. Why now? And I don't mean those with any recent claims.
2. If you expect it, and are receiving a quid pro quo, should you really Notre complaining?

I am NOT condoning rape. However, if you have abused, bringing it out ten, twenty or forty years later is a bit unfair to the other party. They may have had an alibi or such that they could have proved the accusation a lie back then. But now, forget it. And unless you have Hillary on your side, you're toast.
Yeah, it's like the Bill Cosby thing...

I don't know if he did or he didn't, but coming out of the woodwork 20 or 30 or whatever years later just seems pointless to me. If you could "live with it" then, IMHO there's no point to bringing it out now... Other than being a celebrity whore or looking for money or pushing an agenda or whatever...

Same thing goes for (spits) *politicians*. While I'm NO fan of stinking politicians, (hang em all let God sort em out IMHO) I just smell a rat when some floozy comes out in front of the TV cameras 20 or 30 years after the fact because "Joe Jerkwater Jr." from Podunk Parish in the middle of nowhere has risen through the ranks and is running for national office or is about to be confirmed for some big appointment... IMHO, if you didn't see fit to file a police report *WHEN IT HAPPENED* even though nobody'd read it but in the local paper, then you've got NO ROOM TO GRIPE now...

Then of course there's the whole "guilty until proven innocent" thing... It's become "PC" to NEVER question these "accusers" that come out of the woodwork 20 or 30 years later or whatever, because that would be "unkind" and "victimizing them a second time". Well, extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof... If the "accuser" cannot take the "heat" of having their assertions questioned, then they should keep their damn mouths shut IMHO... Like I said, REPORT IT WHEN IT HAPPENS or just let it lay...

Later! OL J R :)
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#3 Re: Harvey Who?

Post by luke strawwalker »

Oh, and just for the record, I'm not "siding" with any Hollywood scumbags... That place is the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah and everybody knows it... I'm simply stating a PRINCIPLE-- that if you have been wronged in such a manner, the time to come out with it and at least REPORT IT and make it a matter of public record (police or official record anyway) is RIGHT AFTER IT HAPPENS... not 20, 30, or 40 years later...

OL J R :)
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#4 Re: Harvey Who?

Post by bernomatic »

Not that I particularly like Al Franken D-Senator Minn., his comedy or think he needs assistance (Ok well, maybe I think he does need some mental assistance at times), but this witch hunt is becoming way too much of a farce. The allegations against Roy Moore with "physical" proof (the yearbook) and Al Franken (the flight home photo) are becoming too much. It's not like these items actually "prove" any abuse, although they should be considered and studied closely.

Roy Moore is already questioning the evidence against him, but Mr. Franken being the good beta male that he is has knuckled under to the tide.

If one is going to grope an attractive female in her sleep, one doesn't take and allow the photos to be released in a general press release. One might however mug for the camera, even using some camera trickery to appear to be doing something that a bunch of armed forces servicemen might wish they could attempt.
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Could Mr. Franken be trying to hone in on some of the publicity surrounding the current witch hunt (remember any publicity is good publicity) has forced into the front?
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#5 Re: Harvey Who?

Post by luke strawwalker »

Al Franken is a scumbag... an immature know it all asshole, like most of his liberal ilk...

Ya know, I'd expect something like that from an over-hormoned teenage boy, heck I might even laugh at it myself, but from a US Congressman-- sorry but there SHOULD be a higher standard.

If there's not, then we have a more serious problem than I thought...

Later! OL J R :)
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