Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

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#1 Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by bernomatic »

Or at the very least, so mauled by laws and regulations that it looses any real meaning? Are a bunch of intelligent high school teenagers that lack wisdom to be the downfall of the second amendment?

Anyone with a bunch of years under their belt and that pays at least a modicum of attention to politics knows that these children are being played for fools. They are concerned about their friends and schoolmates that they have lost. I grieve with them. Their parents should at least have the knowledge that they and the children are being used, but I would hazard a guess the parents don't want to be looked upon by the media as some sort of ??? (insert -ist word here).

Instead of going after the most obvious and pertinent causes, they would just have us bend knee to the socialists ideas of supposed betters in Washington. Time after time in disparate places around the globe, taking away the citizens right to protect themselves has led to murders many times more numerous than even our worst tragedy here. Body counts have been registered in the hundreds of thousands in place after place with one of the conditions being gun registration and/or confiscation.
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#2 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by tmacklin »

The new chant of the American Left, dutifully repeated by the current crop of Useful Idiots...

Two, Four, Six and Eight,
We want a Police State!
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#3 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by luke strawwalker »

tmacklin wrote:The new chant of the American Left, dutifully repeated by the current crop of Useful Idiots...

Two, Four, Six and Eight,
We want a Police State!
Yep, "young skulls full of mush" as ol' Rush put it, quite correctly...

Doesn't help that it happened in a liberal enclave like south Florida either... But, then again, it'd be interesting to see how many of these school shootings happen in liberal Democrat enclaves versus conservative Republican areas...

Nutcases come in every color and flavor politically, but the only ones I can think of that happened in mostly conservative areas was Jonesboro, Arkansas, and Littleton, Colorado.

These youngsters just agitate for the sake of agitating; they don't realize they're being "played" by the libtards and their agenda... or because of youth and inexperience they just side with it out of ignorance...

In other news, did you hear about the hoo-ha in our part of the world?? I guess you've finally arrived when you manage to *oops you said word #2 off a liberal ragsheet like the Washington Post... ... ad0fb06d34

Course their typical liberal slant TOTALLY misrepresents what was said and ALSO misrepresents what the Tinker decision said (which was a Supreme Court case from the 60's where kids who wore black armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War. The school principal singled some kids out "to make examples" and told them "take the armbands off or we'll send you home". The kids declined and were sent home, a lawsuit ensued and went to the Supreme Court, who sided with the kids "in this case"... "students and staff don't check their first amendment rights at the front door". Yes, but with conditions, like the old "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater", free speech DOES have limitations placed on it... so long as it's not DISRUPTIVE to the school environment or DANGEROUS to the students or others, then it is "protected" by the Tinker decision.

Staging a "walkout" IS disruptive, because it by its very nature disrupts the class when the students stand up and walk out.... it disrupts the class not only for themselves, but it also disrupts the class for those not engaging in the "walkout" and who remain in class to continue their learning. It is disruptive to have protests going on OUTSIDE the school on school grounds, because it is a disruption and distraction for those inside the school attempting to conduct classes and learn from them. It is a danger to the students who walk out, because when they set foot on school property (either on the bus or get out of momma's car or their car at the school house that morning, they become the RESPONSIBILITY of the school to ensure their safety and security, which the school cannot do if they "walk out" of class either elsewhere on school grounds (without supervision or knowledge of where they're going and what they're doing and when they're expected back) or leaving the school grounds without the proper permission (and supervision as the case may be).

Nobody is saying "you can't have an opinion" or "you cannot protest", what's being said is "protest ON YOUR OWN TIME (not school time)" and "protest in the RIGHT WAY", ie form a group, charter a bus or a bunch of cars, go protest at the courthouse or the state legislature or the capitol building, NOT IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. Nobody in the school is going to change a damn thing-- it's not in their power, it's a function of the legislature and the government. All walk-outs and protests at the school accomplish is total disruption of then entire reason that the school exists-- to conduct classes as a place of learning, and not only disrupts it for the students who walk out, but disrupts it for ALL students and staff whether they choose to involve themselves in the protest OR NOT. If a group of students and their parents got together and decided to go take part in protests or organize a protest in Austin (or their respective state capitol) I don't think the school could have ANYTHING to say about it... I don't think any attempts to punish students would be attempted OR TOLERATED, even attempting "unexcused absence" type repercussions would likely be met with a strong (possibly legal) backlash. BUT, this is NOT what our (admittedly crummy but I do agree with his stance here) superintendent is saying, and it's NOT what the students are contemplating (which is giving them too much credit-- they're not "contemplating" they're EMULATING-- they saw a media-frenzy hoo-hah on TV by kids in Florida and elsewhere and decide they want to "join in the fray"... "act out" as is the typical libtard method from their standard playbook... and kids of course just LOVE "giving the finger to authority" and acting up *because they can* so that's why MOST of them are "protesting", not because of any *real* understanding or deep conviction about the gun issues-- they're being played by the libtard social justice warrior types and the media who "never wastes a good crisis they can make money off of" (ratings).

I was talking with Betty about it and she was like, "He didn't say anything *our* superintendent didn't say as well", though of course her superintendent was a little more "amiable" about it and a little more delicate and less dictatorial in making the point...

The fact that the libtards are screeching and squawking and working themselves up into SUCH a frenzy over what one rural *oops you said word #2-ant school superintendent does and the fact that they stoop to such obvious fabrications, misrepresentation, and blatantly INCORRECT (not supported by the FACTS) SPIN on what he said and the issues at hand just tells me that you CANNOT have a civil discourse with these people on the subject because they're not open-minded intelligent people capable of reasoned discussion and compromise, they're intolerant ideologues and sycophants dedicated SOLELY to their own worldview and totally dismissive of any other opinion, and will stop at NOTHING to further their own flawed belief set no matter how odious or underhanded or misleading their tactics or discourse might be... They're every bit as much of an EXTREMIST as any politically or religiously motivated "terrorist" or "closed minded Bible-thumper" that they claim anyone opposed to their foregone conclusions and preformed belief set could possibly be...

I'm no Curtis Rhodes fan because I've seen the jackass in action-- hell I worked for the SOB for about 3-4 years or so... him and the idiot lackey he hired to take my old boss's place when he retired... his method of "leadership" leaves a LOT to be desired, to say the least. But, even a broken clock is right twice a day... LOL:) The abject stupidity of his crusade against the Apache Indian boy who the school was trying to force to cut his ponytail or braid off, which is prohibited by their religion, and the unfair demands they were trying to force upon him in lieu of that (keeping his braid tucked in the back of his collar) was just idiotic and a fool's errand, and despite not being a "legal scholar" even *I* could have told them they were gonna lose THAT one before they ever left for the courthouse... and RIGHTFULLY SO. Like a bus driver friend of mine used to say, when this school district and it's leadership and the "town fathers" had their heads particularly far up their own asses, "SMALL TOWN, SMALL MINDS"... Truer words were never spoken! That's why we have our daughter going to the same school district on the other side of the county where my wife works-- it's not stuck in the mindset that if they just ram stuff hard enough down people's throats, they can keep it like it's 1950 forever... Well, it's not 1950 anymore, and it never will be again. There more worried about stalking the hallways like Nazi's making sure that NO boy's hair touches his collar and that everybody's shirt tail is tucked in and everybody has a belt on that they spend more time on that than actually EDUCATING THE KIDS... and frankly while I support a sensible enforceable dress code, (even a school uniform dress code) frankly that bullshit isn't going to make a hill of beans in "the real world"... And it shows, which is why Needville, for all their bluster about how great a job they do, and what a "top notch" school this is, the scores don't lie... they are VERY MUCH in the middle of the pack AT BEST... Such stupidity has cost us TWO lawsuits already (a few years back it was over a girl who's parents got her one of those "My parents went to the Hoover Dam and all I got was this DAM T-shirt" shirts when they took a weekend trip to Vegas or something, and she wore it to school. The principal decided it was 'against the dress code' due to "cursing" (even though it was spelled D-A-M and NOT D-A-M-N on the shirt) and told her to turn it inside out or go home. SO, she started wearing the shirt to school EVERY DAY, and it became a ritual between the principal who would meet her and her parents at the car and tell her to "change the shirt or go home" so they went home, and then sued the district for discrimination or refusing to educate their daughter or whatever... Then of course the big five-name legal firm of legal eagles that the school pays only God knows how much to keep on retainer every year to represent the district in legal matters, who had been telling the principal and superintendent all along that "they were in the right and on solid legal ground" suddenly changed their mind and told them to "settle out of court" when the lawsuit actually started to go forward... whether it was because they were too lazy to actually go to court and fight out the case or whether they were monumentally stupid, either one ended up costing WE THE TAXPAYERS a LOT of money... How do I know?? The sumbitch lives about a mile up the road-- went from a dingy single-wide trailer to building a new house, a new pond, all new landscaping, and new pickup and camper trailer in the yard within a few months of the "out of court" settlement of the lawsuit, which of course nobody is "allowed to know" how much they got... but moving up that far that fast, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out it was "too dam much!" and WE are on the hook for it, not the dumb sumbitch principal and superintendent nor the shitass law firm...

Later! OL J R :)
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#4 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by tmacklin »

This is the end result of the "free and pubic education" envisioned by Marx and Engels in their masterpiece of delusions, "The Communist Manifesto".

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#5 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by bernomatic »

tmacklin wrote:This is the end result of the "free and pubic education" envisioned by Marx and Engels in their masterpiece of delusions, "The Communist Manifesto".

Welcome to Nirvana children, and drink your Kool-Aid. it's all for you.
A message from Luke

by luke strawwalker « Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:29 pm

Yeah my daughter and wife talked to the school counselor today. Evidently she's had a hard week; some girl she knows at school had a breakdown because they scheduled 3 tests on the same day and she's had stuff going on at home and otherwise and is feeling suicidal, and of course Keira's worried about her. Plus Keira has evidently had some crap going on at school with some of her friends saying hurtful things or whatever and she's feeling "hated" or whatever. All I get is pointless generalities so I really don't know what's going on; kinda hard to address anything when all you get is "somebody said something to someone and there's been stress because of it" or some BS like that. Then of course the kids are scared out of their wits because they're constantly rehashing all the school shooting crap, playing videos from the superintendent, and all that sort of nonsense-- The libtards are really just manipulating these kids shamelessly to keep them (and by extension their parents) whipped up into a frenzy and frothing at the mouth. Never let a good crisis go unused...

Later! OL J R :)
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#6 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by luke strawwalker »

tmacklin wrote:This is the end result of the "free and pubic education" envisioned by Marx and Engels in their masterpiece of delusions, "The Communist Manifesto".

Welcome to Nirvana children, and drink your Kool-Aid. it's all for you.
Yeah, the libtards are using all this school shooting stuff to their maximum advantage-- what is it they say, "never waste a good crisis?" They're whipping the kids up into a frenzy over this stuff simply to further their gun control communist socialist nonsense... and of course the schools are the perfect breeding ground, because kids are too naive and inexperienced to realize they're being played like a violin and manipulated by these people. The libtards have had a stranglehold on education for decades, and it's top to bottom now... Used to be just the "long hairs" and whack-job ultra-liberal professors at colleges back in the 60's... now it's at every level top to bottom... They got control of the National Education Agency and it spread like wildfire. I know when my sister was in college back in the 90's, even a conservative school like Texas Tech, she had to take a "theory of education" class which you *MUST* pass in order to get a teaching certificate, and basically it's a filter to make sure that NOBODY who doesn't spout the ultra-liberal "party line" is allowed to become a teacher... the class was taught by an ultra-liberal and you WOULD *NOT* PASS unless you bit your tongue, suppressed your *true* beliefs and ideas, and just spouted back the "party line" verbatim and rote, and "acted" like you actually believed it. Questioning their "wisdom" is simply not permitted... So it is with these friggin' liberals... Logic doesn't count; only blind fanaticism and dedication to their ideas du jour...

Keira evidently had a hard week at school, because she and Betty evidently spoke with the school counselor, I found out tonight after I got home... Of course I'm not getting any *specifics*, just a lot of generalistic nonsense, "somebody said something that was hurtful among Keira's friends and someone got their feelings hurt..." Whatever the fvck that means... :roll: Keira is all stressed and blurted out that one of her friends has been having some crap going on at home or whatever and had a total bawling meltdown in school because she struggles and is trying to do well and they scheduled 3 tests tomorrow before Spring Break. I was like, "what the h3ll do yall have to be 'stressed' about-- your seventh graders for pity's sake! Yall are too young for that-- you get stressed your senior year of high school, and in college, and on the job-- not in friggin' SEVENTH GRADE!" Course that was exactly the WRONG thing to say according to my wife. I don't get it... WTF do jr. high kids have to get STRESSED about?? Her friend is supposedly suicidal... and according to Betty that's not uncommon at that age... Then of course Keira blurts out that they're scared in school, scared of getting shot up, scared of not doing well, stressed because of that, and because, and I quote, "We're going to have to solve all the problems of the world that the older generation has created-- solve the gun problem and the pollution problem and the environment problems and the social problems" and all that sort of crap.

"Okay", I said, "Let's just back the truck up... First of all, you're spouting the same liberal bullshit that they've been indoctrinating you with. I told Keira many times since before she ever started going to school that she would be taught a LOT of things that were flat out WRONG, or were contrary to our values, our beliefs, and our freedoms, but which were taught because they were popular mantras of our socialistic society. So that should come as no surprise to her, but evidently their BS is sinking in more than it should. Secondly, all these "problems" have been around a VERY VERY long time, practically as long as the world has been around, and THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BE. MOST of the problems we have are either because of or exacerbated by the flawed, Godless, socialistic, humanistic, no-absolute-right-or-wrong, jingoistic culture that has taken over this country, primarily fostered by the ultra-liberal left-wingers and their "anything goes" ideas when it comes to right and wrong, but "my way or the highway" when it comes to having views or beliefs different from their own...

Everybody wonders aloud "how can this happen??" after all these school shootings and other stuff, but they cannot accept or face the answer. Conservatives, particularly the "older generation", have pointed out that "in their day" kids often had a rifle or shotgun on the gunrack in the back window of their pickup truck they drove to school. They had shooting sports IN SCHOOL and nobody went on a rampage or got PO'd and ran to the truck and went on a shooting spree. They had fistfights at times and sometimes folks got their ass kicked, but they licked their wounds and went on with their lives, not decided to go on a killing spree because "somebody was mean to them and they gotta get even and die trying!" SO, what's changed??

Well, for one, video games. Back in "my day" (as an about to turn 47 year old) we had video games, but it was "grab a pocket full of quarters and head to the arcade" video games, flying little 2D dot-matrix spaceships blowing up Asteroids or shooting down incoming nuclear missiles or shooting Space Invaders, or jumping little frogs across freeways without getting flattened out (too many times) or jumping a little Q-bert thing with a snout and legs around a pyramid made out of cubes or whatever... or racing sh!tty looking little cars... And when you ran out of quarters, you ran out of video games! Not now... No, nowdays kids have what was the equivalent of a NSA supercomputer back then in their bedroom, fitted with virtual reality goggles or a wall-size flat screen, headphones, and interactive game controllers and they run around in a 3D world that the military could only dream of having for training special operators back then, and these kids run around killing people and blowing sh!t up all day every day when they're out of school and after they get home in the first-person immersive shooter games... Their parents are in their own little worlds for the most part and dump them in front of the TV and video games, while they do their own thing. Kids have every form of communication known to man but don't know how to actually communicate with anybody, and they take whatever is said or done in "cyberspace" as the be-all, end-all of life, like it matters half a hoot in hell to anybody...

The schools and society teaches them that life is worthless, just here for the now, there are no repercussions-- just hit the "reset" button, life is cheap, life is meaningless, there is no absolute right and absolute wrong-- it's all moral relativism... get knocked up? Have an abortion, BOOM! Reset button! Smoke dope and get hooked on the hard stuff, no problem, it's not your fault, we'll send you to rehab on the gubmint dime, BOOM! Reset button, no repercussions, no problems! The liberals kicked God out of the schools, and when God is kicked out, the Devil rushes in to take his place! Now they openly mock "prayers and condolences" as a worthless gesture... Meh, then okay... *oops you said word #2 off if that's how they feel about it. After all, if there's no absolute right or wrong, then how can they pass judgment on someone who decides to kill a bunch of people-- after all, it "seemed right to them" to do it, right?? That's where moral relativism and teaching life is cheap gets you... Even if you don't believe in spiritual things versus humanistic things...

So Keira tells me they're having all these talks (indoctrination sessions) about the school shootings and showing speeches from the superintendent and all this other nonsense... it's the full-court press. They're showing them the news (again, another segment of this sick socialistic society and bankrupt culture TOTALLY owned and controlled by the libtards, who after the social justice warrior types whip up the kids into a frenzy over gun control and get them all "activist" on other parts of the socialist agenda, the media scumbags are always there and willing participants to get it all on film and throw it all over every form of media known to mankind, after of course putting the "correct" liberal spin on it, and spoon-feeding it to the masses), to keep them scared and stressed so the indoctrination will sink in better, all under the guise of helping them "feel safe" at school.

Thing is, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "SAFE", not anymore. Our generation had to come to terms with it... after all, as we were vividly shown by "The Day After" and all the other news "special reports" and stuff back during the War Scare of '83; I vividly remember that's when I "really" learned about hydrogen bombs and what they could do and what it meant-- Peter Jennings showing what would happen if they nuked Chicago, all there at 8pm... I remember leaving Grandma's house that night to go home and expecting the bomb to go off any moment and blow me away like the people in the news special... We ALL knew we were at the mercy of some guys sitting under the Kremlin with their finger on "the button" who could send a missile winging our way and in 30 minutes vaporize us off the face of the Earth... or worse. Even the "safest" of us out far from any cities were 30 minutes from having the world end as we knew it, everything poisoned by fallout and killed by nuclear winter... We came to terms with it, over time, and went on with our lives, for as long as they lasted. The world didn't go up in a mushroom cloud, things got better (for awhile) and we all started to feel something we never had, "SAFE"... then terrorism came home to our country, and now every nutcase on the planet capable of doing so seems set on getting nukes, and there's not a lot we can do about it without igniting full-scale wars around the globe to stop it, so... what then?? Now we've got the home-grown nutcases, these progeny of a spoiled generation that was "entitled" to everything, free of repercussions, taught life was cheap, disconnected from reality and each other, yet connected with every electronic device known to man, indoctrinated in Godless socialistic morally relativistic drivel so they are AMORAL, and without faith or hope, stressed, and trained to be killers by playing first-person shooter video games 24/7... and of course afflicted by the natural predilections of teens-- an unusual fascination with the occult, feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, lack of mental clarity and self-control, impulsiveness, a feeling of invulnerability, and generally an incapability to see "the big picture" or the "long term" and having no sense of repercussions or responsibility for one's actions because they were never really disciplined for doing wrong in any serious way-- it was always "excused" or given a limp-wristed "kids will be kids" response. Then we wonder "where was GOD in all this?" after we kicked Him out and our worthless bankrupt society and culture does everything in it's power to denigrate right and truth and PARTICULARLY God and instead put everything into the hands of humanistic moral relativism...

Is it REALLY any wonder how or why this happens?? Oh, but let's go for the kneejerk reaction, after all it's what the socialist libtards want, and it can't make things any worse, only better-- OUTLAW GUNS!!! But wait, every school zone is ALREADY in an "guns are outlawed" zone, same with illegal drugs which are outlawed in school... yet of course OUTLAWS DON'T CARE that it's outlawed... dope pushers still push dope IN SCHOOL, and if someone is intent on bringing a gun to school to do harm, they will. If the wildest dreams of the libtards came true tomorrow, and edicts came from "on high" irreversible and inarguable, stating that "all guns are hereby outlawed" and they had storm troopers going door to door to search every home in the US for guns with gun-sniffing dogs, and if you didn't voluntarily give up every gun you own instantly upon their arrival you'd be thrown in prison for 20 years, guess what-- we'd STILL have people getting killed with guns for the next 50 years at least... Probably MORE than in recent times because criminals with a gun would KNOW that everybody else is "unarmed" and thus be much more brazen in their actions. Nutcases would still get guns, or would go on killing sprees with trucks or cars like our "enlightened" socialist bretheren in Europe suffer when the latest Muslim nutcase decides to go on a jihad in gun-free Europe, and drives a van through a crowd of people and kills as many as possible. The nutcase in Las Vegas, had every gun been outlawed 20 years ago, he would have just rented or stolen as big a plane as he could get his hands on; he was a licensed and trained pilot, and he'd have flown it into the crowd and killed at least as many as possible. In a way they were lucky he used guns, because he could have inflicted MUCH more death and destruction by flying a plane loaded with explosives or just a couple extra barrels of gasoline in the compartment behind him into that crowd at full throttle at a low angle to the ground to 'skip' it through the crowd as it broke up and exploded on impact... he COULD have killed HUNDREDS if not a couple thousand people and hideously maimed many more than that...

But NO, guns are the quick and easy solution, the simplistic non-answer which gives the liberals what they want, more control over everyone else. And they're MORE THAN WILLING to use kids as their pawns... they have no moral qualms about that-- no moral qualms about ANYTHING that I can tell... And kids are inexperienced and naive, and naturally drawn to "rebel against authority"... the pimps in the media show up at all these protests and every idiot with a camera points it at these "spontaneous protests" and every empty suit and talking head infesting the airwaves comes on spouting liberal propaganda and putting the correct liberal spin on everything, and kids see that and are drawn to it, some just because "hey, lets get a free day out of school!" and others "let's stick to 'the man'" and others because they buy into the simplistic non-answers the libtards peddle to them like a drug "get rid of guns and YOU'LL BE SAFE!!!" A few out of genuine conviction, most out of sheer ignorance of the facts and inexperience with reality...

Liberalism isn't just a mental illness or a disease, it's a RELIGION... one which you MUST unquestioningly believe or else you're an INFIDEL who MUST be silenced and stopped. It's every bit as pernicious and extremist as the Muslim religion of death... totally incapable of reasoned discourse, disagreement, or tolerance to opposing viewpoints. Christ came, as he said, "that they might have life, and have it more abundantly". That's why he doesn't command his followers to force others to convert or kill them if they refuse (unlike Islam), but "he who believes and is baptized shall be saved, he who believes not shall be damned" (damned in eternity by God Himself who will sit in judgment of the wicked and the just). Liberalism will brook no disagreement, accept no compromise, tolerate no opposition to its core beliefs...

That's why this country is falling apart and will continue to do so. As I told Keira, "don't worry about it-- none of these "problems" will EVER be solved-- there's too much money in 'the status quo'... and the most important thing in life to learn is, if you want to understand WHY something is the way it is, then "FOLLOW THE MONEY!" Like racial problems (another issue "the older generation" created that her and her generation will "have to solve" as she put it) they will NEVER be solved, for one simple reason-- the MOMENT that they are, then Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Quanell X and all their ilk are OUT OF A JOB... therefore, they will CONTINUE to foment discord and disharmony and keep everything stirred up forever, because that's their POWER BASE, the source of their wealth, power, and prestige. Keira and I are studying the New Testament chapter by chapter, and I've learned a lot along the way in teaching her... EVERYTHING that happened in Jesus' life and the reason he was SO hated and despised by the Jewish leadership, so much so that they used the Roman leadership to do their dirty work for them, was because he was a THREAT to the Jewish leadership's POWER, PRESTIGE, AND AUTHORITY. Jesus taught men should have a personal relationship with GOD, as his Apostles carried on the message, "We have but ONE High Priest, the Lord Jesus, who prays and makes intercession with the Father on our behalf"... If JESUS is our high priest, what need do we have of a High Priest in the Temple, or a Pope or Grand Presbytery or cabal or Southern Baptist Convention or whatever?? WE don't. How will those organizations like the Sanhedrin and the scribes and Pharisees and the High Priest keep their positions of power, authority, and prestige, and the wealth that comes with those things, if everybody is TRULY equal?? Can't have that, so let's kill him! Problem solved! (yeah, right...)

Then to shift gears a bit, for those not spiritually inclined, we had the Godless Communists and their dream of a "worker's paradise", the old dream of a "socialist utopia" where we are ALL EQUAL and brother workers, comrades all and brothers in arms, nobody any higher or better than anyone else. Sounds good... BUT someone *still* has to be in charge... and guess what?? The Party bosses in charge STILL get more and better food, nicer accomodations and luxuries, and ride around in fancy limousines or staff cars while everybody else walks or rides a bicycle, or files onto the tram or subway. They don't stand in line for hours at grocery stores with bare shelves, to buy a dry loaf of bread and some withered vegetables and perhaps a snip of meat if any is available... no they return home to sumptuous meals prepared for them, fine wine, luxuries of a spacious home , not a cold-water one-room flat like their "brother workers"... "Meet the new boss; same as the old boss..." It's the same in our own society, "free" as it is, so long as "money talks, everything else walks". No wonder it's all falling apart... we're copying the same system that's been an abject failure every time it's been tried. Nothing new under the sun...

Later! OL J R :)
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luke strawwalker
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#7 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by luke strawwalker »

bernomatic wrote:
tmacklin wrote:This is the end result of the "free and pubic education" envisioned by Marx and Engels in their masterpiece of delusions, "The Communist Manifesto".

Welcome to Nirvana children, and drink your Kool-Aid. it's all for you.
A message from Luke

by luke strawwalker « Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:29 pm

Yeah my daughter and wife talked to the school counselor today. Evidently she's had a hard week; some girl she knows at school had a breakdown because they scheduled 3 tests on the same day and she's had stuff going on at home and otherwise and is feeling suicidal, and of course Keira's worried about her. Plus Keira has evidently had some crap going on at school with some of her friends saying hurtful things or whatever and she's feeling "hated" or whatever. All I get is pointless generalities so I really don't know what's going on; kinda hard to address anything when all you get is "somebody said something to someone and there's been stress because of it" or some BS like that. Then of course the kids are scared out of their wits because they're constantly rehashing all the school shooting crap, playing videos from the superintendent, and all that sort of nonsense-- The libtards are really just manipulating these kids shamelessly to keep them (and by extension their parents) whipped up into a frenzy and frothing at the mouth. Never let a good crisis go unused...

Later! OL J R :)
Yeah I screwed up... I always mistake that "!" point key for a "pencil" key and think I'm quoting... been lots of times I realized it before I submitted and cut-n-pasted my response into the appropriate box after backing out of it and hitting the (") box... wish they said "Report" or "Quote" wouldn't get them mixed up so much...

Later and thanks for fixing that Bernie! OL J R :)
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Joe Wooten
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#8 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by Joe Wooten »

bernomatic wrote:
tmacklin wrote:This is the end result of the "free and pubic education" envisioned by Marx and Engels in their masterpiece of delusions, "The Communist Manifesto".

Welcome to Nirvana children, and drink your Kool-Aid. it's all for you.
A message from Luke

by luke strawwalker « Thu Mar 08, 2018 10:29 pm

Yeah my daughter and wife talked to the school counselor today. Evidently she's had a hard week; some girl she knows at school had a breakdown because they scheduled 3 tests on the same day and she's had stuff going on at home and otherwise and is feeling suicidal, and of course Keira's worried about her. Plus Keira has evidently had some crap going on at school with some of her friends saying hurtful things or whatever and she's feeling "hated" or whatever. All I get is pointless generalities so I really don't know what's going on; kinda hard to address anything when all you get is "somebody said something to someone and there's been stress because of it" or some BS like that. Then of course the kids are scared out of their wits because they're constantly rehashing all the school shooting crap, playing videos from the superintendent, and all that sort of nonsense-- The libtards are really just manipulating these kids shamelessly to keep them (and by extension their parents) whipped up into a frenzy and frothing at the mouth. Never let a good crisis go unused...

Later! OL J R :)
If my kids were school age now, we'd be homeschooling, no if, ands or buts about it.
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luke strawwalker
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#9 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by luke strawwalker »

Joe Wooten wrote:
bernomatic wrote:
tmacklin wrote:This is the end result of the "free and pubic education" envisioned by Marx and Engels in their masterpiece of delusions, "The Communist Manifesto".

Welcome to Nirvana children, and drink your Kool-Aid. it's all for you.

If my kids were school age now, we'd be homeschooling, no if, ands or buts about it.

Yep looks better all the time. The kid's got straight A's in everything, her lowest grade is in Kickstart (martial arts) but this semester is health anyway. I don't recall if she's ever even HAD a B...

Got a letter in the mail, she's reached 50% of her "allowed absences" for the year... Just total bullshit... "The school (sic) wishes to remind you that students exceeding the allowed absences risk losing credit for their coursework for the year."

Here's the really STUPID part... the school tells everybody "if you have ANY fever, STAY HOME!!! DO NOT come to school and infect the other kids and start a friggin' outbreak!! If you feel sick, have the sniffles, run a little fever, STAY HOME!" BUT, then OTOH, the minute they get close to the 5 days a year or whatever they're allowed to miss, they start flipping out about "you must meet the mandatory attendance deadlines or risk losing your credit for the year". What utter bullshit.

If I were in school now, I'd QUIT and just go get a fvcking GED and get it over with. A high school diploma isn't worth it's weight in toilet paper anymore to anybody; even the friggin' colleges don't consider a HS diploma to be ANY indication if the kid is even FIT for college without about 2 years of remediation just to teach them what they SHOULD have learned in the last 6 years of junior high and high school... Hence all the pre-college testing. I ran 2 farms for my Grandmother with a little help from my Dad (who worked about 60 hours a week most of the time) from the time I was 14 on, and managed to graduate 47th out of my class of 101, without even trying or studying. I missed on average 10-15 days per year-- if I needed to work in the field and the weather was good I missed school, particularly around planting season and harvesting season or getting land work done in the fall. I figured it up one time and between 6th grade and graduation I missed about a year of school... some years I missed 23 days or more. And of course this was LONG before the 180 day school years-- this was back when we had about 156-160 day school years... NO WAY I could STAND going to school as much as these jackasses DEMAND nowdays... My youngest nephew on my wife's side was struggling in high school-- he'd got ADHD and has a hard time learning stuff via "the book work" and when he got frustrated he'd "act out" or whatever and *oops you said word #2 off the teachers. They had all these 'mods' to his "learning plan" and stuff to help him, but basically they just paid it all lip service and didn't do a damn thing so he was perpetually frustrated, so as soon as he could he said, "fvck it" and quit, and went and enrolled in the GED program and got his GED in less than 6 months and went right out and got a job working in agriculture for a Co-Op just like he wanted... He wasn't dumb, just FRUSTRATED with the IDIOTIC way the schools are run now. The schools of course are in "panic mode" over the high dropout rates (exceeding 50% in some areas) but they do NOTHING to make anything any easier to stay in school and EVERYTHING THEY CAN to make things more difficult and frustrating... all the while dumbing down the classwork so you're not really learning a damn thing anyway, just jumping through hoops for a bunch of friggin' underemployed bean counters...

To get back on subject, Keira recently was invited as a seventh grader to take the SAT... not the pre-SAT or whatever watered down BS version they put out to "ease kids into it", the actual SAT college entrance exam. She scored high enough that she exceeded the entrance requirements to Texas A&M **RIGHT NOW** if she wanted to. She's usually got either 100's or HIGH 90's for her report card grade averages, and she's in the GT programs already and finds them "boring"... Yet the school has and continues to threaten to flunk her out if she isn't warming a seat with her ass the minimum number of days required...

And they wonder WHY so many people homeschool...

Later! OL J R :)
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Joe Wooten
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#10 Re: Is the second amendment on the slippery slope to rescission?

Post by Joe Wooten »

luke strawwalker wrote:
Joe Wooten wrote:
bernomatic wrote:

If my kids were school age now, we'd be homeschooling, no if, ands or buts about it.

Yep looks better all the time. The kid's got straight A's in everything, her lowest grade is in Kickstart (martial arts) but this semester is health anyway. I don't recall if she's ever even HAD a B...

Got a letter in the mail, she's reached 50% of her "allowed absences" for the year... Just total bullshit... "The school (sic) wishes to remind you that students exceeding the allowed absences risk losing credit for their coursework for the year."

Here's the really STUPID part... the school tells everybody "if you have ANY fever, STAY HOME!!! DO NOT come to school and infect the other kids and start a friggin' outbreak!! If you feel sick, have the sniffles, run a little fever, STAY HOME!" BUT, then OTOH, the minute they get close to the 5 days a year or whatever they're allowed to miss, they start flipping out about "you must meet the mandatory attendance deadlines or risk losing your credit for the year". What utter bullshit.

If I were in school now, I'd QUIT and just go get a fvcking GED and get it over with. A high school diploma isn't worth it's weight in toilet paper anymore to anybody; even the friggin' colleges don't consider a HS diploma to be ANY indication if the kid is even FIT for college without about 2 years of remediation just to teach them what they SHOULD have learned in the last 6 years of junior high and high school... Hence all the pre-college testing. I ran 2 farms for my Grandmother with a little help from my Dad (who worked about 60 hours a week most of the time) from the time I was 14 on, and managed to graduate 47th out of my class of 101, without even trying or studying. I missed on average 10-15 days per year-- if I needed to work in the field and the weather was good I missed school, particularly around planting season and harvesting season or getting land work done in the fall. I figured it up one time and between 6th grade and graduation I missed about a year of school... some years I missed 23 days or more. And of course this was LONG before the 180 day school years-- this was back when we had about 156-160 day school years... NO WAY I could STAND going to school as much as these jackasses DEMAND nowdays... My youngest nephew on my wife's side was struggling in high school-- he'd got ADHD and has a hard time learning stuff via "the book work" and when he got frustrated he'd "act out" or whatever and *oops you said word #2 off the teachers. They had all these 'mods' to his "learning plan" and stuff to help him, but basically they just paid it all lip service and didn't do a damn thing so he was perpetually frustrated, so as soon as he could he said, "fvck it" and quit, and went and enrolled in the GED program and got his GED in less than 6 months and went right out and got a job working in agriculture for a Co-Op just like he wanted... He wasn't dumb, just FRUSTRATED with the IDIOTIC way the schools are run now. The schools of course are in "panic mode" over the high dropout rates (exceeding 50% in some areas) but they do NOTHING to make anything any easier to stay in school and EVERYTHING THEY CAN to make things more difficult and frustrating... all the while dumbing down the classwork so you're not really learning a damn thing anyway, just jumping through hoops for a bunch of friggin' underemployed bean counters...

To get back on subject, Keira recently was invited as a seventh grader to take the SAT... not the pre-SAT or whatever watered down BS version they put out to "ease kids into it", the actual SAT college entrance exam. She scored high enough that she exceeded the entrance requirements to Texas A&M **RIGHT NOW** if she wanted to. She's usually got either 100's or HIGH 90's for her report card grade averages, and she's in the GT programs already and finds them "boring"... Yet the school has and continues to threaten to flunk her out if she isn't warming a seat with her ass the minimum number of days required...

And they wonder WHY so many people homeschool...

Later! OL J R :)
The public schools make it especially hard for the boys nowadays. They treat them like defective girls.
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