now YOU CAN save the enviroment, and refill your spray can

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#1 now YOU CAN save the enviroment, and refill your spray can

Post by bernomatic »

All right I wasn't sure whether to post this in Rattle Cans or in Air Brushing, but since it really doesn't allow (at least yet) for a change in nozzle size, I decided to make the man post here.

I was shopping at the local craft store and came across this item while perusing some airbrush paints.
You Can.jpg
You Can.jpg (1.67 MiB) Viewed 9555 times
While I don't remember the price at the store, a subsequent search online came up with prices ranging from around $18 to $25.

A search of the Manufacturer's site, led to this video :arrow:

Besides the music, the only annoying thing is they didn't show the cleaning process. My next question would be, how chemical resistant are the interior workings?
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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