It's a nice thought ands everything, but... Our military's spouses

Stories of our government yearning to show how great and helpful they are with their heads up their hind-sides, and you just wishing they would go away!
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#1 It's a nice thought ands everything, but... Our military's spouses

Post by bernomatic »

From a blurb in the "WEST WING READS", the Whitehouse's daily email.
This week, Second Lady Karen Pence spoke at a Military Spouse Employment Partnership induction ceremony, "bringing in 42 new employers who have pledged to recruit, hire and retain military spouses," Karen Jowers reports in the Military Times. “The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is so important to reducing the unemployment rate among our military spouses,” Mrs. Pence said.
Now I'm all for everyone working who wants to work and all that crap, but I wonder how many of those with spouses in the military have to work?

Just :cc:
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#2 Re: It's a nice thought ands everything, but... Our military's spouses

Post by Rocket Babe »

I'm sure most would be wives of enlisted seeking a job but up to the rank of sergeant, no one gets there quickly, the pay is barely enough to support a couple much less a kid or two. There are a lot of factors and options with housing and such but yes, most need a 2nd income to stay close to the poverty level. They aren't getting rich.
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