Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

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#21 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by bernomatic »

Do You Believe the Media's Narrative About the US having More Coronavirus Cases Than China? Don't.
Sorry, our mainstream media is wrong again. We have so many information sources available to us via the internet that you would think they would, at the very least, take the time to double check what they are saying to the American people.
True, I had to laboriously translate some information but, isn't that called research? Isn't that what journalism used to be about? It makes you wonder why our media is spouting a narrative straight out of Communist China's playbook, doesn't it.

Meanwhile, many people in the area have been trying to get the real story out. But, they don't have the ability to go into hundreds of thousands of US homes on a daily basis. And, apparently, our major media sources are so lazy they aren't even looking for factual data.

Here is what I found, you tell me who is telling the truth.

I first saw this tweet come through my timeline and it made me question what else I might find:
LO Kin-hei 羅健熙


Report by @appledaily_hk , Japanese news outlet interviewed Wuhan doctors, and confirmed Wuhan has stopped testing, that is why new case = 0 there. They release people in quarantine early too.

華本土零感染 日媒揭造假
指習訪武漢後停測試 鄂瘋傳禁通報確診
Way more information :arrow: item
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#22 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by Commander »

In the article on Breitbart.com, "Dr. Nicole Saphier: ‘Reason to Hope’ with Developing Coronavirus Treatments", I found a very interesting statement at the end of the article by Dr. Nicole Saphier, author of Make America Healthy Again: How Bad Behavior and Big Government Caused a Trillion-Dollar Crisis.

“They’re still big numbers,” said Saphier, “But … they’re a tenth of what they said a month ago when they were saying up to 1.2 million — and although that was likely a scare tactic — that number, we have to remember, it doesn’t factor in the social distancing measures that everyone’s taking right now. That’s just like, it’s a free-for-all, let’s all go to the beach and party and cough on each other, and that’s how you get to 1.2 million.”

Saphier continued, “Even the number of 100,000 to 200,000 deaths are not necessarily taking into effect the treatment medications that are coming out, the increased ventilators, the increased hospital beds, and the increased workforce, as well as the increased [personal protective equipment]. Again, it’s better at this point to continue to give worst-case-scenario numbers, because maybe that will push people to stay inside.”
:arrow: article

Nothing to help with risk assessment, just we're going to scare you like little kids to get you to do what we want. :x
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#23 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by Commander »

Viva Frei, a Canadian lawyer and youtube vloger makes some very pertinent points about the numbers the Mainstream Media keep throwing at us. One of the questions he has is concerning the number of deaths normally (non Wuhan Virus deaths) that would occur over the time frame the numbers people put out.
interesting discussion.

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#24 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by luke strawwalker »

Well, when these ultra leftist liberals like Hillary Clinton et al. famously said, "never let a good crisis go to waste", the "useful idiots", particularly those ultra leftist communists in the media and universities/intelligentsia, rush to do their part... That's why Stalin called them " useful idiots"...

Don't think for ONE MOMENT that the libtards aren't using this mess to further their own aims... No way they're going to let this crisis go to waste. Like I read on a Facebook post, "why is it CHURCES are being forced to close, but ABORTION CLINICS remain open as "essential services"... They're already using this to push the agenda of "universal guaranteed income", where every American adult would get a $1,000 per month gubmint check... Do the math on that one, and read the history of the German Weimar Republic or, more recently, the unmitigated fiasco in Venezuela to see the results of unrestrained gubmint money printing to solve it's problems...

Read a headline the other day that since economic guru advising Trump is already sounding the alarm bell we're heading for a Second Great Depression by shutting the country down like this ad infinitum... Which is something I said to Betty within a couple days off the shutdowns starting... Punched the point home when the gubner of Florida started threatening to arrest spring break college kids for not social distancing and starting on the beach and bars; how many gazillion bucks did they lose in FLA, AL, and TX sure to spring breakers being chased of the beaches and out of the bars and stuff where they're normally blow a wad of Mom n Dad's money?? Now figure all the businesses shuttered by all this, sure restaurants are still serving takeout, but business is down by huge amounts, probly the only ones really making out like bandits are the toilet paper and mask businesses, maybe health care industry. Insurance is going to get hit with tons of bills they're not expecting to be sure. Fuel is $1.64 last time I gassed up, which isn't often since we're all cloistered at home, Keira and Betty aren't driving 18 miles each way to school every day (and by all accounts probly won't for the rest of the year) and we're not going 13 miles to Rosenberg several times a week to shop, eat out, or go to church. If there's one bright spot, they said fuel use is down enough it totally short circuited the Saudis attempt to jack up oil prices. We haven't seen fuel this cheap since 90 before the First Gulf War, IIRC... Course nobody can go anywhere or do anything LOL.

Eventually the gubmint is going to HAVE to put a smiley face on everything and tell everybody, "everything's fine, go back to work, and for pity's sake GO SHOPPING and SPEND SOME MONEY!!" No work means no jobs, no paychecks, which means NO withholding, no shopping means no spending which means NO SALES TAXES, which means federal, state, and local tax income just got knocked into a cocked hat... Sure the Fed can print trillions, but that's a very temporary stopgap measure... At least we won't have to worry about toilet paper when $20's and $50's and hundred dollars bills are worth less than a roll of TP...

Our economy is SO fragile nowadays that an off Christmas shopping season can send us into recession-- what do you think will happen when all the numbers come out on this one?? The markets are already heading for the toilet, all the numbers and indicators are going to be totally haywire, and that means the rest of the economy will follow... The longer this goes on, the worse it's gonna get... Eventually the gubmint is gonna be like, "if we don't get the economy moving again, the whole country is gonna go broke" and they'll decide having people dropping like flies is better than losing EVERYTHING to another Great Depression... It's simple math; if they're at work they're paying withholding tax, and shopping and paying sales tax, and if they die, at least we don't have to send them a stimulus check or unemployment check...

The gubmint was slow to react to this pandemic, and it'll be even slower responding to the economic realities, as they'll argue and hem haw while trying to decide what to do, but it's coming... The damage has already been done, just hardly nobody realizes it yet... But rest assured the reckoning is coming, just a matter of time.

For a long while folks have been predicting the coming financial apocalypse, due to the gubmint and Feds TOTALLY irresponsible fiscal policy for the last few decades... I'm not sure this is it, but it may well trigger it, and even if it doesn't, in a year this may make the 08 derivatives crisis look like a church picnic by comparison...

Later! OL J R
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#25 Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19 -pumping up the numbers

Post by bernomatic »

Why are they still trying to push the mortality rate up? This one was caught because the late individual was of an age where deaths are few. just how many of the other deaths of older individuals were not from the virus, but the tested positive for having it?


Another thought just occurred to me. If someone HAD the virus but recovered. Then later died and was tested for signs of the virus, would or could they then also list that person as a victim of CoVid 19?

Something is really effed up with this whole clusterf****.
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#26 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by Commander »

Without the Wuhan virus, the Democrats have no meaningful opposition to Trump. Not only have the Democrats weaponized the Wuhan virus to destroy the economies under their aegis, but they've also repeatedly claimed that Trump killed 161,000 Americans. However, new CDC data show that, of those Americans who died in the past seven months, only 6% died from the virus alone. The other 94% had serious comorbidities that (sadly) put them at a higher risk of death from anything that came along — and certainly from having sick people funneled into their nursing homes.

When the dust settles on the year 2020, we will finally accept that the United States shut down the greatest economy in the world, that the governors in the worst hit states issued executive orders turning their nursing homes into death traps, and that we significantly increased deaths from otherwise treatable illnesses — all because of a bad flu.

It's understandable that, in the beginning, as the ugly scenes from Wuhan province emerged, we may have panicked and, in retrospect, overreacted. Thinking back to the early days, the plan was not to overreact. It was, instead, to have a limited, two-week lockdown to flatten the curve. Six months later, Democrats states are still flattening that curve without letup.

The fact is that, once America flattened the curve, learned how to treat the virus, and discovered that most people were less vulnerable than initially thought, we should all have returned to normal. Instead, as weeks have dragged into months, months dragged into the greater part of a year, and Democrat-run states have remained shut down, it's become apparent that the main reason those states haven't put the brakes on the Wuhan panic is that opportunistic people are using the panic for political purposes.
:arrow: article
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#27 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by Joe Wooten »

Six months later, Democrats states are still flattening that curve without letup.
I predict that if they do not stop this nonsense VERY SOON, there will be politicians getting flattened, and not by votes. They have take away the soap box, the ballot box, and the jusry box away, leaving only the cartridge box available.
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#28 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by Commander »

Give people too much time and not enough to eat, and you don't have the bread and circuses, you have a razor's edge from pandemonium.
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#29 At least this has vanished in the pandemic

Post by bernomatic »

Has anyone else noticed something missing since Joe Biden's inauguration:?: :?:

I am of course speaking of the previously mandatory on mainstream media deathcount. No more daily reports on the body count from this tragedy. :ugeek: Of course, to be fair to President Biden, I guess we should just start the count over from zero as of his taking office.
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#30 Re: Pushing the Panic- CoVid 19

Post by bernomatic »

Of course, Bern stands corrected.
If the count appears to favor a certain side with the media and go against a red state (we need a hmmmmmm...... smilie) such as when the count rises in Florida, they glefully announce the numbers. But when, if for instance, it reflects poorly on a blue State, it is ignored
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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