Where ya been?

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#1 Where ya been?

Post by Commander »

Haven't been doing much posting lately, of course I'm not the only one allowed to post bits of wit on here. :P Things have been kinda pushing one thing off the page, so to speak. I was released from my Day job back on March 31. and have been sitting on my hands more or less since then.

Well not really, but it seems that way for all the progress I have made. It just seems like I can never accomplish a task. Something is always coming up to sidetrack me. I have lots of skewers in the fire, but sometimes the fire goes out and I have top start over. :cry:
Starport Sagitta
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Rocket Babe
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#2 Re: Where ya been?

Post by Rocket Babe »

Now you can catch up on all of those things around the house. Should I contact MOAR to give suggestions? :D
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#3 Re: Where ya been?

Post by Commander »

Rocket Babe wrote: Tue, 05 May 20, 20:04 pm Now you can catch up on all of those things around the house. Should I contact MOAR to give suggestions? :D
At your own peril! ;)
The one bright spot (at least from my view) in this whole "lockdown" scam, is that while I sit at home, MOAR is working her butt off. She is a cashier at Wallymart and has been working long hours. She is happy and I am happy (at least for now, we'll see how this whole thing shakes out. I get to have her around two days a week, one of which we spend a part of visiting her father.
I on the other hand am happy staying home and spending the largesse the government seems happy to hand out. I know it is welcome relief to many, but the $600 additional unemployment a week is a bit extreme to me. I am finding ways of putting it to use other than just going on a shopping spree (which I am also doing, and which I should slow down on). Things are shaking and moving behind the scenes and hopefully come this fall I will have some big announcements. :)~(:
Starport Sagitta
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luke strawwalker
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#4 Re: Where ya been?

Post by luke strawwalker »

Here's hoping for the best for ya... Hope it all works out and looking forward to "big announcements"...

Ya know, within a week of the lockdowns starting, I was watching TV and saw the FL gubner and some of his posse of sheriffs on TV b!tching about the spring breakers still packing the beaches and bars despite their "sturmtrooper orders" closing the beaches and ordering social distancing, and they were threatening them with arrest... It kinda dawned on me then "How many BAZILLION BUCKS is this costing their economy??" I mean, h3ll in this day and age our economy is so fragile it goes into a tailspin if there's a bad Christmas shopping season for cripe's sake, and these "touristy" beach destination places get like what, HALF their yearly income from kids blowing their parents money on beaches, bars, and broads over spring break?? I told Betty then, "this can't last-- give it a few weeks til the economists wake up to what's going on and start pushing the panic button up the food chain in gubmint, and in a few weeks they'll be saying, "Oh, everything is normal, go back to work, and for pity's sake SPEND SOME MONEY!!!" to get the economy cranked up again... Which is "sorta" what we're seeing now...

When you start thinking about the long-range implications, though, this thing doesn't look good... I'd be literally SHOCKED and amazed if we're not in a full-blown DEPRESSION within a year or two at most. Been watching some YouTubes that basically point out that fact, given all the stuff that's been going on compared to the first Great Depression... Then you watch the politicians and their only solution is to throw TRILLIONS of bucks at the problem, essentially just trying to "print their way out of the problem" and it's not hard to see that hyperinflation and a HUGE devaluation of currency is on the horizon. Most people were HORRIFIED that Obama managed to more than double the federal debt/deficit in 8 years, which was double what Bush 2 had blown on all the wars post-911, which was double what Clinton had previously doubled from Bush 1... now with this mess, fed debts/deficits are on schedule to double AGAIN from even Obama's unprecedented reckless spending. Now we have idgits calling for sending out "universal guaranteed income" of $1,200 a month to every man and woman in the US, you can take a wild guess what that will do to the deficit and federal debt, and pumping THAT MUCH CASH, backed by ABSOLUTELY NOTHING into the economy, what that will do... A year from now, we won't have to worry about finding toilet paper to wipe with-- $50 bills will probably be cheaper to wipe with anyway! Printing money and throwing it haphazardly at the problem has NEVER WORKED anywhere it's been tried, from the Weimar Republic in Germany of the 20's to Brazil in the 70's to Venezuela today... it all INEXORABLY ends ONE WAY-- hyperinflation and a collapsed economy! It's like needing air to breathe or water to drink, a simple fact of life. Throw in SHORTAGES caused by collapses in production or problems in distribution and delivery like we've been seeing, and that's an even GREATER impetus for hyperinflation, and brings the tipping point just that much closer or sooner...

I don't know what the answer is, what I can think of nobody wants to hear, but I can tell yall this... better buckle up and get ready-- it's gonna be a bumpy ride. From what I've read and heard, it may take a year, maybe even 2 to really hit, but when it does-- Katy bar the door! This won't end well...

Later! OL J R :)
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