I must have missed the announcement

Politicians and the press rarely look for the truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth anymore. Here are stories which will be remembered (incorrectly) for a long time.
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#1 I must have missed the announcement

Post by bernomatic »

I guess this must be a part of the new civics they don't teach in common core. I hadn't realized that they official determination of a presidential election is the national media. :shock:

That's right state officials, no need to finish the counting and certify the results, the mainstream media has made it all that more simple for you. They have guessed I mean come to the scientific, non-questionable decision on who has won. I mean when you realize just how accurate their pre-election polling was, who could question anything? :?: :roll:
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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#2 Re: I must have missed the announcement

Post by bernomatic »

In addition, Youtube has a notice on any video regarding the election that states that,
"The AP has called the Presidential race for Joe Biden."
Although this is a true statement, I am sure if the shoe was n the other foot, it would be labeled misleading.
Chief Cook -n- bottle washer
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